1910s Articles Other Parks & Resorts Outside The Park

Majestic Park

Every once in awhile I’m going to deviate from the topic of Lagoon to explore other parks and resorts in the area. I had never heard of Majestic Park in Salt Lake City until a few months ago while searching for details on an early coaster which Richard Munch’s 1991 Roller Coaster Directory claims existed […]

1970s 1980s Articles Outside The Park

Discovering Lagoon…Outside Lagoon

I’ve stumbled upon a few items of interest relating to different Lagoon ventures outside the park. Aside from the obvious one (The Terrace), here is a short list with the few brief details I currently have. TROLLEY SQUARE ARCADE Shortly after Trolley Square opened as a shopping mall in the 1970s, Lagoon Corporation began running […]

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