Lagoon Today!

Longest Frightmares ever begins Sep 6

Frightmares has its earliest opening ever Friday, September 6 and will now extend into the first weekend of November (weather permitting).

Lagoon Today!

Hours For Frightmares 2024

Starting September 6th, Lagoon will be open Fridays from 5-11pm, Saturdays from 10am-11pm and Sundays from 10am-8pm. The park will also open October 17th & 18th with a Saturday schedule each day.

Lagoon Today!

2021 Season Recap

Since the mid-season recap, Lagoon had a celebration in July for Roller Coaster’s 100th birthday. Fans got to sing “Happy Birthday”, take photos, have refreshments and sign a poster to be placed in a time capsule. A couple of things weren’t covered in the last recap – Jet Star 2 reopened this year after being […]

Lagoon Today!

2021 Mid-Season Recap

Even though we’re only halfway through 2021, Lagoon has already achieved a few firsts and unprecedented milestones. For example, the Biergarten remained open during the 2020-21 off-season making it the first time any part of the park has been open year-round. In mid-March, a new sign was added to the Biergarten’s west entrance. This entrance […]

Lagoon Today!

2020 Season Recap

When unusually cold weather caused Lagoon to close two days early in fall of 2019, nobody expected the park’s opening in the following spring to be delayed for almost two months because of a worldwide pandemic. Lagoon announced the delayed opening this year on March 17th, a couple of weeks before the scheduled opening. At […]

Games, Food & Shops Lagoon Today!

2019 Season Recap

Here’s a quick rundown of the rest of the 2019 season, in addition to what was covered in the mid-season recap that was posted in July. The Speedball game reopened around the middle of the season just south of Wild Mouse. The old location was demolished toward the end of last season for the new […]

Lagoon Today!

2019 Mid-Season Recap

As we reach the halfway point of the 2019 season at Lagoon, let’s look at what’s been happening so far. When the park opened on March 30th, the first noticeable change was the area in front of Dracula’s Castle which had been reconfigured with new steps and new planters. A section of Wild Kingdom Train’s […]

Lagoon Today!

2018 Monthly Recap #7: October

The last month of Frightmares brought with it the end of another season at Lagoon. At the beginning of the month, the new south restrooms were completed. Soon after, the old restrooms built in the 1980s were demolished. Aside from some busy weekends and the UEA fall break, it was a fairly uneventful month. However, […]

Lagoon Today!

2018 Monthly Recap #6: September

What was new at Lagoon in September this year? Frightmares! But more specifically, there were some new additions and updates to Frightmares attractions in 2018. Frightmares began on September 14th this year with all the shows and walk-throughs in full swing. Séance returned with an elaborate new entrance, including two tick windows on the south […]

Lagoon Today!

2018 Monthly Recap #5: August

The biggest news at Lagoon in August was probably all the work happening on the upcoming Frightmares event. Almost all of the walk-throughs were underway this month, including some new additions. The most promising addition seems to be the new facade for Seance, shown above. There’s also a new temporary stage  being added to the […]

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