1970s 1980s 1990s Advertising Articles

The Runway Meets The Midway

Many who have lived in or around Utah for long time will remember ZCMI. For those who are unfamiliar, ZCMI was a regional department store chain that started in Salt Lake City in 1868. The company was eventually sold in 1999 and today the remaining stores have become either Macy’s or Dillard’s. Now for the […]

1970s Articles Film, Television & Music Pioneer Village Roller Coasters

America Screams…At Lagoon!

There’s an old documentary about amusement parks called America Screams which aired on PBS in 1978. It was an hour long, but was later whittled down to a half hour when it was released on VHS. This edited version can be seen on YouTube. (The Lagoon sequence starts at the 7:30 mark and ends about […]

1970s Articles Pioneer Village

40 Years Of Pioneer Village At Lagoon

Pioneer Village began in the East Millcreek area of Salt Lake City in 1938. Furniture store owner Horace Sorenson collected pioneer-era buildings and artifacts as others were tearing them down or throwing them away. He opened his collection to the public and eventually turned it over to the Sons Of Utah Pioneers who operated it […]

1970s 1980s Articles Outside The Park

Discovering Lagoon…Outside Lagoon

I’ve stumbled upon a few items of interest relating to different Lagoon ventures outside the park. Aside from the obvious one (The Terrace), here is a short list with the few brief details I currently have. TROLLEY SQUARE ARCADE Shortly after Trolley Square opened as a shopping mall in the 1970s, Lagoon Corporation began running […]

1970s 1980s Articles People Pioneer Village Trains

The True Namesake Of The Freedola

Anyone who has been on the authentic Carousel at Lagoon and who has looked closely at the band organ may have noticed the name “Freedola” painted on the bottom. It’s understandable if you assume this is a small reference to the Freed Family who has been operating the park since the 1940s, because that was […]

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