Pioneer Village

1987 PV Logo


  • Pioneer Village is a collection of authentic pioneer buildings and artifacts from around Utah
  • Originally started in 1938 in Salt Lake City by Horace & Ethel Sorenson
  • Most of the collection was purchased by Lagoon and opened in its current location in 1976


Barber Shop / Millinery
Bigler Cabin
Bingham Cabin
Blacksmith Shop
Carriage Hall
China Shop
Clock Shop
Coalville Chapel
Cobbler Shop
Dentist’s Office
Drug Store
Gingerbread House
Governor Dern Livery Stable / Telephone Museum
Grandma Cristie’s
Gun Collection
Humane Alliance Fountain
Kaysville Train Station / Model Train Museum
Kellersberger Meat Company
Main Street Clock
Miniature Circus / Toy & Doll Museum
Mormon Craftsmanship Display
Mormon Furniture Exhibit
Music Hall
Old Mill Country Kitchen
Photography Studio
Pioneer Kitchen & Hardware Museum
Pony Express Cabin
Pony Express Centennial Monument
Post Office
Print Shop
Rattlesnake Rapids
Rivets & Rotors
Rockport Co-Op
Rockport Schoolhouse
Salt Lake Temple Builders Memorial
Time Tinker
Token, Currency & Silver Collection
Town Hall
Village Green
Wanship Cabin


Alma Warr General Store
Bonanza Shooting Gallery
D&RGW Railroad Cars
Fort Bell Tower Replica
Lagoon Miniature Railroad
Log Flume
Old Fishin’ Hole
Ox-Drawn Wagon
Pioneer Village Railroad
Pony Express Museum
Ute Indian Museum


26 replies on “Pioneer Village”

Do you have information on the parents of Cora Judd or any other information on her?

I’m trying to find out what the sign says when entering the little Main Street area. There is no information on it anywhere.

There are a couple signs near the entrance to that area. One of them is a plaque on a stone which reads:

“Horace A. Sorenson and his wife Ethel Melville Sorenson founded Pioneer Village in 1938. From that time their lives were dedicated, with selfless devotion, personal generosity, imagination and foresight, to their dream of a Pioneer Village as a “living museum.” These two people have made the history of Utah and her people a visual reality for present and future generations.”

If that’s not the one you’re thinking of, let me know and I’ll find out more.

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